Sunday, March 14, 2010


reaching college last evening at 3.30 pm.getting so tired as i lived on the journey starts from college(last friday),to malacca then to kuantan.on saturday,at 3 pm i went to johor and reach there for about 10 pm.then i rushed to college yesterday at 10 was such a tired long journey.niway,about our robot,there are meny good things is getting easier.i'm trying to move the hand down a bit and just go until the end of the side to take the loops.but then,we still have to think the program to the access markers.till that.toodles..

Friday, March 12, 2010

luv home so much.juz got back from college yesterday.going to johor today and going back to college tomorrow.this is what we call life.niway,live to the fullest.bye..